Be You aims to transform Australia’s approach to supporting children’s and young people’s mental health in early learning services and schools. Our vision is for all learning communities to be positive, inclusive and responsive - a place where every child, young person, educator and family is empowered to achieve their best possible mental health and wellbeing.
Be You promotes mental health and wellbeing, from the early years to 18, and offers educators and learning communities evidence-based online professional learning, complemented by a range of tools and resources to turn learning into action. Be You empowers educators, helping them to develop valuable mental health skills and knowledge, while also providing an effective model for implementing a whole-learning community approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Be You is led by Beyond Blue with delivery partners Early Childhood Australia and headspace. Both partners have local teams of trained consultants to provide advice and support to early learning services and schools nationally to help implement a whole-learning community approach growing Australia’s most mentally healthy generation.
Find out more about the organisations involved or the history of Be You.